Friday, January 20, 2017

Here's  a video that will show you the real face of PETA.

Start with why?

Then follows where and how?

The story is about a man who became Mahatma. He sees a group of farmers wearing minimal clothes and vouches to himself he would wear just like them lest he be seen alien to his own people. This man sure came from Gujarat, how contrast the barrister was to another man from the same state who wears just like the people who he moves with totally alien to Indians as a whole. The story happened in a small village in Tamilnadu. History bears witness to how this transformed the freedom movement of India. Now the torch has been lit by the sons of the soil, this time with mobile phones in Marina - these Kings know what digitalization is. They do not need any half-boiled media to dictate them in their editorial. Thanks google for your blogger.

Remember 2008! The year when the whole world was in a crisis. But we Indians were able to stand that. Why? Because we are a people who believe in savings. Piggy banks and gold are our savings banks. Now the government will go to any limits to stop us using our traditional banks so we will be standing in queue in future to the government who would just stretch their hands out not to help us but to say they can't help. Awaken India now is the time to stand for your cause. Don't let the government dictate you. They are clueless, at least you know what to do with the little you have. Don't surrender to the viles of the government.

 Jallikattu is for the people, by the people and of the people. Bulls are hugged and not tortured. The whole of Tamil Nadu is supporting this. The crowd of Chennai is supporting this. If you want to doubt the knowledge and the discretion of this crowd ask the Pakistanis who played Cricket here. They would just say this is an amazing crowd, in fact they said so ask Wasim if I am wrong. Now we are standing not just for the bulls, but for our farmers, for our local produces, for our villages, for our animals and birds. If you are just someone who orders from KFC and drinks Pepsi we don't care what you write just because to us you don't exist.

 This is just the beginning. The flames will spread to our brothers and sisters up north, sorry media to us you don't exist. Now the youth will start questioning. What questions they will ask I have no idea but whatever they ask it is going to turn the nation upside down not for the worse but for the good of our Great India.

We sure will make India Great again.

Jai Hind.

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